Automakers work with NHTSA and other policymakers to enhance the efficacy of the motor vehicle recall program and to maximize recall participation rates. Investment in improved recall practices demonstrates the industry’s commitment to ensuring increased awareness of vehicle recalls and customer safety.
Committed to Customer Safety

Recall Awareness
Automakers work with NHTSA to maximize recall participation rates, such as through the sharing of industry best practices, tools, and processes to ensure effective recall campaigns. In 2018, automakers, in collaboration with CARFAX, launched an online search tool aimed at increasing consumer participation in auto recalls by allowing approved commercial and governmental entities the ability to search for open recalls for up to 10,000 autos at once, free of charge. Eligible organizations include state departments of motor vehicles, state vehicle registrars, motor vehicle insurers, auto finance companies, motor vehicle dealers, vehicle fleet managers, automotive parts recyclers and vehicle auction companies, to search for open recalls for thousands of autos at once, free of charge.

Consumer Action
The average completion rate for passenger vehicle recalls is 75 percent. However, that rate varies remarkably depending on the age of the vehicle recalled. For newer vehicles, the completion rate averages 83 percent, while that rate falls almost in half to 44 percent for vehicles 5-10 years old. The completion rate drops again by 15 percent for vehicles older than 10 years. Today’s average vehicle age is 11.4 years. While 93 percent of those who had heard about a safety recall on their vehicle learned about it from the automaker and new vehicle dealer communications, the research shows many consumers are doing their own risk assessments after receiving a notice and deciding if the recall seems important enough for a response.

Automakers Stand Behind Their Products
Automakers monitor field performance of the vehicles they make and sell, investigate when performance doesn’t meet design intent and take appropriate action when needed, including performing recalls. Recall efforts demonstrate an ongoing commitment to safety and customer satisfaction. Automakers want all recalled vehicles repaired quickly. Automakers encourage consumers who have received a recall notice to service the recalled vehicles as soon as possible.
Download Recall Awareness Media Kit
The communications kit includes graphics that can be printed and used as mail inserts in envelopes, stickers on envelops or online banner ads.