About The Academy
The Institute for State Policy Leaders (ISPL) will once again sponsor the Auto Innovation Academy and has partnered with Auto Innovators to produce the EV Seminar. The ISPL provides state policymakers with a balanced deepdive on complex current and emerging issues that have an impact on state legislation and regulation in the electric vehicle space.
The ISPL 2024 Auto Innovation Academy will be a 2½-day educational seminar exclusively for state policy leaders to learn about the basics of electric vehicle policy and how to build a comprehensive state ecosystem for an electrified future. The Auto Innovation Academy will provide an evenhanded program covering a broad range of issues and will feature some of the most important voices in the electrification arena. This face-to-face seminar will enable policy leaders to equip themselves with the information needed to tackle important developing policy issues, enable them to share best practices, and provide a forum for state policy leaders to dialogue with industry representatives.
If you would like additional information on the Auto Innovation Academy, EV Seminar please contact the following:
State Policymakers, please contact Admin@statepolicyleaders.org.
All others, please contact info@autosinnovate.org.